

Job Opening: Director of Operations

Skyline Math and Science Academy, a K-6 school located in South Minneapolis is looking for passionate, and innovative School Operations Director with the following proficiencies: Primary responsibility is to help daily operations with

Parent Academy

On Thursday, 11/15/2018, at 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. we have had Parent Night Event. Skyline Staff and parents met each other and talked about how they can work together

Ms. Hani 5th Grade Class

We enjoyed getting to know one another and laying down the rules and regulations of our society (Ms. Hani’s classroom). We had a wonderful time at the field trip at

Our 3rd Open House

On 07/19/2018 between 2:00 pm- 6:00 pm, we had our 3rd Open House. This Open House was unique than previous 2 Open Houses in two ways. Parents were coming in